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End of Summer Showcase


Our summer goal was to build and test concepts to strengthen our foundation for the development we will overtake from the fall till the race day. With this goal in mind, our team has been working on multiple items. Come to our summer showcase to hear us speak about our sub-projects and progress!

Architecture Team:

Architecture team has been digesting every rule and regulation of the race and converting each one into a requirement. Building on these requirements, the team proposed a detailed architecture design – for each subsystem (Perception, State-estimation, and planning and control). The team also offered multiple conceptual solutions and discussed the feasibility of concepts with the respective teams.

Perception Team:

Due to the demand for high-speed racing (around 150 mph), the team requires a high-performance perception system. The team developed a “faster lidar” system by fusing two sensors (Camera and 3-d lidar) by using camera images to extrapolate the 3D LiDAR point cloud. The fusion system has other advantages downstream of the pipeline, which will provide us a competitive edge. We are currently testing the system.

Planning and Control Team:

Planning and Control team’s main goal for this summer was to build a functional prototype to compete in a multi-agent competition. The team successfully achieved the goal by developing a robust system that plans an optimal racing path that avoids other racecars using crash avoidance algorithms based on upstream data and predicting competitor racecar moves by probabilistic agent models. The system includes a hybrid MPC that then provides the required steering commands and acceleration throttle to controls the racecar to be on the optimal path.


11:30 - 11:45: Introduction

11:45 - 12:30: Project presentations

12 :30 - 1:00: Breakout room Q&A